"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences." ~Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, September 15, 2008


I am one lucky lady! I am a member of an elite group of ladies who claim they read books in order to get together the first Thursday of every month to laugh, to cry, to argue, to laugh some more, to stay out late, to swap yummy recipes, and yes to even discuss a few books now and then. I don't know how I ever managed the invite into this crazy group of book club beauties, but my mental health--and physical health for that matter--are better for it. After many a late Thursday nights of staying out until 3:00 a.m. or so, we figured it was high time to have an official "Girl's Night Out" Sleepover!

So without further ado ( and in no particular order) here is the "Girl's Night Out" Top Ten!---Yes, Shelby I am stealing this idea from your Bunko post!

#10. Meeting for Pedicures 2 hours before the evening is supposed to begin because the fun cannot start soon enough!
(I have no idea what happened to the middle of this picture!#$%?)

#9. Being able to fit EVERYONE inside the 12 passenger van!

Me, Rachel, Andrea, Jen, Spils, Amy, Christi, Heidi, Kylie --and don't forget about the driver--Joni!

#8. Trying ZTejas for the first time---the mushroom enchiladas were AMAZING!

Notice the Sass-itude just oozing out of Jen in the middle of the table. That is one sexy, single, school counselor!

#7. Managing to secure the entire back row of Chandler Harkins Fashion Square all to ourselves!

#6. Being able to rock out to Mamma Mia the Sing Along Version!

At 31 years of age, we still GOT it going on!

go Eda...it's your birthday....

#5. The two Julie's ---a.k.a Spils and Fisch--Reenacting that "cute" couple from the front row!

#4. Chowing through two Party Platter Pizookie's at BJ's Brewery

umm yeah...that pile is ICE CREAM!

Spils, Jen, Christi, Kylie, Andrea, Me, Amy, Rachel, Joni, and Eda finally joined us!

#3. Taking a ride to the Top of the Residence Inn

...okay, maybe we only made it to the 2nd floor!

#2. Andrea letting us know she was DONE for the night!

and drumroll please....

#1. Finally getting to bed at 5:30 a.m. just to have Rachel's phone go off at 7:oo a.m. playing "All For One " from HSM2!

I am still catching up on my sleep, but holy cow was it worth it! Thanks to Kylie's husband for getting us a great deal on our room, thanks to Eda's husband for volunteering to bail us out of jail if needed, thanks to Joni for chaeffeuring us all night in the van, and an especial thanks to my own husband for not only letting me go, but having the house cleaned AND the laundry done when I got home---Court you are the best! To sum it all up I must quote the words that a wise friend once spoke,.... "What happens at the Residence Inn (and Z Tejas, and Harkins, and BJ's, and THE VAN), stays at the Residence Inn!


Rachel Cunningham said...

It was actually "All for One" from HSM2...c'mon Julie. The funnest night ever!!!

Julie said...

You have some SERIOUS Photoshop Skills! Not to mention killer dance moves and posting skills! You win for coolest post! Love you!

Tara Fischbeck said...

Julie it looks like you guy had way too much fun! I would be afraid to do that because it would take a week to catch up on sleep! Thanks for the bday song & shout out...Dan did an unexpected superb job! And can't wait for Waverly and Emma to compete in next years Fischbeck obstacle course!