"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences." ~Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I have to say that this year (with the old Halloween on Sunday thing) that things felt really low key---and that definitely wasn't a bad thing!!!

Here was our cast of characters for this year...

A cupcake...
(complete with side view)
GI Joe...

And of course you have already met Little Miss Ladybug...
..who was ever so dainty and every so BOSSY! She couldn't be bothered to walk a few steps from house to house, she would come back and climb into her 'chariot' and be pushed to the next house.

Here they are in action...

We went out for a short walk down our block and up the street behind us and called it DONE!!!

What a nice night!!! of course the rest of that week was HELL as Miss Waverly wreaked HAVOC on everyone's candy buckets everyday. One lick of anything and then it made it's way to the floor---NICE!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat was on Wednesday this year. It was Waverly's first real experience at the old 'trick or treating' thing. She was pretty darn cute. At each vehicle she wouldn't let the person put the candy in her pumpkin (I think she thought they were trying to steal things out) but insisted that they hand the candy to her and then she would 'daintily' place the candy into her pumpkin herself. She would sit and stare at any car that had brought jack-o-lanterns---she serisously is memorized by puh-kees. One van had little orange lights and a guy in a creepy mask lying down in the back of the van. He would lay really still, and then scare the kiddies as they got close. I though Wavee was gonna FREAK, but she walked up really close to get a better look at the lights, and when he went to scare her she kind a looked at him cock-eyed and just gave him a high five.

I wasn't very on the ball in the photo department, but I mangaged to snap a few near the end of the night.

Court looks REAL excited to be here!!

As usual Laetner was a 'natural' poser!
And Wavee started gettting bored---FAST!
(especially love the look of the white diaper through the black tights)

Here is the last shot I have of her before she wanders between two parked cars and then VANISHES!!! Talk about panic!!! She is a wanderer, and our church parking lot sits on a very busy street (with no lighting). I frantically searched the outside and then ran inside hoping she might have wandered in there. Someone noticed my panic-stricken face and asked if I was looking for a little Ladybug by chance?? They had seen her on the other side of the building. Near her nursery classroom---trying to get into the toys no doubt!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Break

We were tempted to head up to Pinedale for Fall Break this year, but Court had a few appointments in town so we decided we could stay busy here!

We ended up at the zoo---two days in a row. Crazy, I know. On Tuesday we went for for fun and then we were talking about how Court had an interview on Wednesday in the same area, and we decided to have him drop us off at the zoo while he did his interview. Worked out great. We have a zoo membership, and it came with some free safari tickets, so we finally took a ride on the train!!!

Of course the kids stayed COMPLETELY glued to their maps as usual. Such nerds---where do they get it from????

But by far, the most fun for all was at the petting zoo. Who knew that Waverly would love the goats so much???

What are my children doing to that poor cow????
This shot is actually from the 2nd day, but this was one of the first times that we were at the zoo in the morning. (I personally like to wait til after lunchtime) And for ONCE the elephant was out and about. (as were most of the animals Ü)
Of course we ended both days at the splash pad, which I have to say is the smartest 'exhibit' that the zoo has EVER added. No pictures....

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Easter Egg Hunting in October???

You heard me. The 'Ladies' are laying their eggs in full force now. Only some of the 'Ladies' don't like to use the nesting boxes so graciously accommodated for them. In the beginning they would lay ALL their eggs right in the nesting box. But September was sooo stinkin hot, that we started opening up the chicken coop and just letting the chickens roam free in the yard. They are masters at finding the shadiest coolest spots. Then all of a sudden their daily egg production seemed to drop and we coudln't understand why. One day I was heading out to the coop to change their water when I heard a bush make a sound! How could the bush make a sound. I walked up closely to the bush and couldn't see anything, but as I turned to walk away I heard it again. "What in the world?" This time I crouched down behind the bush and sure enough, tucked way up in the bush there was one of my chickies. I had to wait for her to be done with her business, but sure enough---a whole nest of eggs.

So now when we go check for eggs and things seem a little low in the nesting box, we send the kids on an easter egg hunt to search under and around all the bushes to make the chickens aren't leaving their presents elsewhere around the yard.

When all eggs are accounted for, we end up grossing 5-7 eggs DAILY. So if you are interested in some farm fresh, organic, eggs, send me an email and we might be able to work out an 'arrangement'. We seem to have a few for sale! Ü