The best time to hit Disneyland is when school is STILL in session. So we waited until I was done with my Let's Play Music semester and then headed to Disneyland before school let out for Christmas break. We left on Sunday afternoon and left Waverly at Court's sister Alecia's house---best decision EVAH. With no Wavee in the car we were able to put down the back seat and just lounge. And when I say lounge I mean it. BAD MOTHER ALERT: but we threw our pillows, blankets, and bean bag chairs in the back of our mini van and had ourselves a movie-athon on the drive over. It was sooo nice.
We got to our hotel about 8 p.m. and got ourselves all situated to hit the park bright and early Monday morning. Of course we started on Main Street in front of the big Christmas tree!

Our very first stop was to Indiana Jones, and I was really afraid for the rest of our experience, becuz they immediately informed Laetner her was too short to ride. The tears were welling up in his eyes and I was so frightened that the rest of the day would be the same, but that ended up being the only ride he was too short for (aside from the roller coaster at California Adventure.) We proceeded on towards Pirates of the Carribean (per Laetner's request) and on to the Haunted Mansion and then our first real ride: Splash Mountain. I wasn't sure how Laetner would do. The last time we were at Disneyland was two years ago when I was pregnant with Waverly, and he and I sat EVERY ride out while Daddy and Delainee had their fun. He was pretty scared during the two previous rides---shaking in his boots on the verge of tears kind of thing, and I honestly thought he might faint on me on a roller coaster type ride. But the boy LOVED it! I on the other hand wasn't too happy with how soaked we got! You can still see how wet they are as we posed outside the Pooh Bear ride....

Here we are about to ride Thunder Mountain Railroad---this proved to be a FAVORITE! By the time our two days was up we ended up riding this thing 5 different times!

Then it was off to the Dumbo ride on our way over to Tomorrowland...

We got to our hotel about 8 p.m. and got ourselves all situated to hit the park bright and early Monday morning. Of course we started on Main Street in front of the big Christmas tree!
Our very first stop was to Indiana Jones, and I was really afraid for the rest of our experience, becuz they immediately informed Laetner her was too short to ride. The tears were welling up in his eyes and I was so frightened that the rest of the day would be the same, but that ended up being the only ride he was too short for (aside from the roller coaster at California Adventure.) We proceeded on towards Pirates of the Carribean (per Laetner's request) and on to the Haunted Mansion and then our first real ride: Splash Mountain. I wasn't sure how Laetner would do. The last time we were at Disneyland was two years ago when I was pregnant with Waverly, and he and I sat EVERY ride out while Daddy and Delainee had their fun. He was pretty scared during the two previous rides---shaking in his boots on the verge of tears kind of thing, and I honestly thought he might faint on me on a roller coaster type ride. But the boy LOVED it! I on the other hand wasn't too happy with how soaked we got! You can still see how wet they are as we posed outside the Pooh Bear ride....
Here we are about to ride Thunder Mountain Railroad---this proved to be a FAVORITE! By the time our two days was up we ended up riding this thing 5 different times!
Then it was off to the Dumbo ride on our way over to Tomorrowland...
where we rode the Astro Orbiter for the first time...
and discovered one of Laetner's favorite rides---Buzz Lightyear astro blaster! In this shot I rode with the kids to steer for them so they could both shoot. But on two other rides the boys were in one car and the girls were in another car. And the girls beat the boys scores EVERYTIME! Considering my accuracy with my shooting, it really should reenforce to Courtney how he SHOULDN'T get a gun in our house!
The whole trip we kept switching off who got to be partners with mommy and who got to be partners with daddy! I was lucky enough to be with Laetner on Autotopia---he thought it was soooo cool that he got to drive the car!
Of course we had to spend some time doing to princess watching. When we headed to the line to take pictures with the princesses it was PACKED! So we walked over to the store on the other side to see if we could get a glimpse of the princesses. We TOTALLY lucked out. Cuz as we were standing on the wall three princesses walked right out of a door in front of us. Mulan, Jasmine and Cinderella waved and smiled at Delainee and Laetner and then walked over to relieve the princesses already on duty, and out came Belle, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty who also walked right by us! Too perfect! While there we had to try out the royal gear!
This last picture is of us on Space Mountain--which we rode about 6 times total! On our first ride we weren't sure if Laetner would be okay---considering it was pitch black and we had no way of seeing how he was doing during the ride. But when we ran over to see our picture the first time, little Laetner was the only person in the entire shot with his hands up over his head! We had to go down again so we could all join in the fun!
We left the park about 4:00 to go find dinner and recuperate. But showed back up at 7:00 and stayed til closing. There was a HUGE Cardinals game on, so Court actually stayed at the hotel for the first part. So while it was just the three of us we stayed around Sleeping Beauty's castle hitting the more 'kiddie' rides!
Apparently the game STANK! And Court came to join us for some night time rides! The best was when we were on the Astro Orbiter at exactly 9:25 when the fireworks show was going on. We had just got out rockets up into the air with the fireworks blazing when the ride suddenly came to a stop. I figured they weren't letting us do the ride during the fireworks, but it turns out some moron unstrapped their child to lift them up to see the fireworks better so they stopped the ride to make them strap back in. But instead of making us all unload, they just started us all over again, so we were actually flying around in the air for the grand finale of the fireworks for the most pefect view in the park! On a side note I HIGHLY recommend riding Thunder Mountain Railroad at night time!
On Tuesday morning we did start at Disneyland (since it opens at 9:00 a.m.) and hit space mountain, thunder mountain, and buzz light year before 10:00 rolled around and then he headed over to California Adventure!
This shot is in the front of Disneyland and we left the park that morning. I had to post it mostly becuz of Court's face. I can tell EXACTLY what he was saying to me in this picture---BAD NIGHT!
'F' is for Fischbeck!
We started off on the Tower of Terror---Delainee still suprised us with how much of an adrelanine junky she is---she LOVED the free fall drop. Laetner on the other hand---not so much. But I don't blame him. One of my least favorite rides. But then she got on California Screaming with me. Her only comment was that it made her tummy feel funny. Couldn't have been too FUNNY cuz she rode it again with Court!
That is when my real terror ride began---the FERRIS WHEEL. I absolutely hate the ferris wheel. I always have. I can handle a fast coaster that whizzes you up and down. But when I am so slow that I actually realize how high we are, then I FREAK out! Plus I was dumb enough to let Court talk us into going in a seat that actually SWUNG back and forth as well. I was literally squeezing my eyes shut to keep the tears of fear from coming out while I just kept TRYING to will the ride to let me out!!!! I still can't believe that I didn't wet myself---I was really that scared! We topped that off with a tame ride up and down on the jelly fish!
At this point we had some dissension in the ranks. Part of the crew wanted to ride the grizzly river run, but I had NO desire to get wet. So I happily volunteered to be camera man!
Can you see how wet they got!
We then headed over the Bugs Life portion of the park to get in some bumper cars! Laetner managed to plow into the side of Delainee and thought it was the BEST thing EVER!
We left the park at closing (which is 8:00 p.m. for California Adventure) and headed back over to Disneyland to hit our favorite rides one last time. Our poor little feet and legs were EXHAUSTED! On the way out Laetner and deLAINEE wanted a picture in front of the L for their names! Laetner was upset that Delainee is actually a D, but we call her Lainee most of the time anyway, so he dealt with it! Of course we had to get a parting shot in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle before heading back to our hotel.
Oh my goodness we had such a good time! And their were hardly any lines ANYWHERE. The weather was absolutely perfect, and aside from the fights of who got to use the card to open our hotel room, the kids got along great! Plus, El Torito is now our new favorite mexican restaurant Ü. We got up Wednesday morning to start our journey home. A journey that would prove to be the trip home from HELL! More on that too come....
What a fun trip! I can't wait for the girls to be old enough to enjoy that stuff!
What a blast! For the record, Thunder Mountain is my FAVORITE!! Sorry about the car trauma on the way home, I might have lost my mind on that one.
It makes me lonesome for Disneyland! It looks like you had a great time (except for the car ride home). Thanks for such a detailed report!
Love it! We went Dec 1, 2, 3 and it was truly PERFECT! Christmas and no lines equal very awesome Disney trip. :-)
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