"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences." ~Gordon B. Hinckley

Friday, October 10, 2008

Premature PMS

My little Delainee was born 3 months premature. Although crazy at the time, we made it through such a scary time without hardly any of the threatened issues or complications. There is one ailment that I do think we suffer from, and I might have the exact terminology wrong here, but my little Delainee has Premie-PMS. That girl is an emotional basketcase. Quite often, Lainee will be seen sniffling and wiping away big crocodile tears that just cascade down her cheeks. Tonight was a perfect example....

I love, love, love Pride and Prejudice. The book by Jane Austen is one of if not my favorite book of all time. But the recent movie remake with Keira Knightley is indeed my favorite movie. Even though Miss Knightley's hair is HIDEOUS for the entire movie, and I have a huge crush on Colin Firth from the A&E version as MR. Darcy, I just cannot get enough of this movie. I do not know how many times I could watch Mr. Darcy walking across the field at Dawn with his overcoat blowing in the wind and still get "hiney-tingles" as Pioneer Woman puts it. Plus the soundtrack is the BEST---which is why it is all over my playlist. Anyhoo, Delainee has watched this movie with me at least 6-8 times since we got it on DVD. She definitely has the gist of the movie down, and will even ask me if I want to watch Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth. Tonight she really started paying alot of attention and was asking A LOT of questions. It's halfway through the movie, I was sitting next to Delainee on the couch, when Waverly crawls over and pulls herself up. I pull Waverly onto the couch and set her between Lainee and I, when suddenly Delainee starts crying. Mind you if you don't see it, you might miss it, because she is not a sobber, just a huge cryer. I was afraid that she must have got her feelings hurt that I put Wavey between us, or that maybe Wavey had scratched her or something. So I ask her, "Delainee, what is the matter, is Waverly hurting you?" And she replies, "Mr. Bingley left." I really had to try hard not to laugh. Not that Mr. Bingley leaving isn't a little disappointing--at least for Jane it was-- but Delainee has watched this movie many times with me. It wasn't like she didn't know how it was going to end. The only thing I can figure is that she really didn't follow along during the previous viewings, and was really getting the story (outside of just Darcy and Elizabeth)this time around.

She is insanely sensitive. This isn't the first time this has happened either. When I explained to Delainee that her Aunt Jill had a bad day, she wanted to make her a card. I knew I could not tell her the reason Jill was having rough day, because I was was afraid that Delainee would be crying and say something when we dropped off the card with a treat. After we got back into the car, I explained to Delainee how Aunt Jill and Uncle Kevin had really hoped to have a baby in her tummy, but for some reason, Heavenly Father wasn't letting it happen yet. Lainee lost it and literally cried the rest of the night. About three weeks ago we tried to watch "No Reservations" with Catherine Zeta Jones. Definitely not the best movie I have seen out there. But in the first 10 minutes a mother and daughter are in a car wreck and the mother dies. Delainee was very distraught and even had Laetner crying. We had to turn the movie off. The next morning at breakfast Delainee brought it up again and they were both crying AGAIN. Then just this week in the car I catch Delainee crying in the rear view mirror and when asked why, she brings up the movie AGAIN. While we were at the cabin for a family reunion, Uncle Jaron actually removed a mole off of Court's back. This prompted the statement of "Lily's Daddy is stabbing Delainee's daddy in the back!" Of course Delainee came running, only to see a small amount of blood on Court's back while Jaron stiched him up, but she just stood there and cried and, cried, as if she really thought her daddy was being murdered before her eyes. I don't know why I am surprised, really. In High School I was constantly crying. I could be talking about the weather and I could be crying. But Delainee is 6! I am so nervous for when we transition about of P-PMS into PMS!
**Update 10/14/08**
We just finished watching Biggest Loser, Family. A mom got sent home, while her daughter remained on the show. Not only did Delainee start crying, but she got so upset that it caused her to throw up. Maybe I should not let her watch anything that can tug at the heart strings in any way shape or form.


BeckyinQC said...

Oh man, I was laughing about this, but I actually can relate some - not to the extreme you describe here but some. My favorite phrase to Taryn is "be tough like a cowgirl" or "cowgirl up". I was actually caught very much by suprise with the drastic difference between Garrett and Taryn's personalities. She is so dramatic compared to her brother. Phew! I guess we can have a new appreciation for what our Mother's endured huh? I think it's cute how sensitive she is though!

Allyson & Jere said...

Wow! That is some serious sensitivity. That SHOULD get really interesting when real hormones kick in.

Tara Fischbeck said...

Julie, Delainee is so sweet. But I am with you...scared to death for PMS to start. Hopefully I have 8 years. But I am afraid I won't be able to handle watching out for my daugther when I can't even take care of myself though.