"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences." ~Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Waverly's Pregnancy and Birth

NO I DID NOT JUST HAVE THIS BABY. I obviously have only been blogging since August of 2008. It makes me sad to think I have missed out on blogging about huge events in each of my children's lives, but I figured as I hit each of their birthdays this year I would pay them tribute by telling their birth story. While I am a horrible journaler, I did at least write down each of my children's 'journey' here. This was all taken from that....
It has been 4 years since Laetner was born. I specifically wanted (and needed)a gap before we had anymore kids. I have a feeling that Wavee was a birthday present to Court :) but in June 2007 we got pregnant. Unfortunately for me, June is a crazy month. I was working both workshops at MCC, and trying to fit in summer swimming lessons for the kids, not to mention a hugely stressful family situation with my sister due to her daughter watching our children during the 'Alaskan Cruise.' Needless to say I was extremely stressed and exhausted at the beginning of this pregnancy and because of that, 'things' started happening.

Very early on I had some insane vaginal bleeding that I thought was a miscarriage, but I hadn't actually seen a doctor yet and I couldn't get anybody to get me in immediately. Luckily my brother-in-law Jaron helped pull some strings to help reassure me that I wasn't miscarrying. When I finally make it to PPA (Phoenix Perinatal Associates) we discovered a pocket of blood that needed to be reabsorbed by the placenta. In July I was in charge of both a book club and a bunko at my house. (I am a very stressed host) The very last weekend in July we had a Fuller Family Reunion where we spent the weekend in the sun. I truly believe it was because of all these different factors, but starting the first week of August my Lupus began to flare.

It had been a LONG time since I had had a 'true' flare-up, but I definitely recognized the pain in my chest. I knew there wasn't a whole lot any doctor could do---in the past it had been two weeks of hell, followed by a slow recovery. I just wanted to verify that this was indeed a flare, so I went to my lupus doctor to get my blood work done. My lupus doc wasn't convinced an appearances alone and told me if the pain got any worse that I should go to the ER in case it was a blood clot. This was on a Wednesday. On Sunday morning things were not good. On top of the chest pain, I also had pain radiating down my neck and upper arm on my right side. Soooo, Court and I took a trip to the ER. After thoroughly checking for a blood clot, the Dr. officially diagnosed me with 'pleurisy'---what they call my lupus when it flares in my lungs. At least I was right about my lupus flaring. I then figured I would have to deal with another week or so of some MAJOR pain, and then it would slowly go away like before. BOY HOWDY was I wrong. According to my lupus doc, the hormones of pregnancy can prolong flare-ups. The pain was not stopping. So for almost the complete 1st and 2nd trimesters, I was popping all sorts of drugs just to get through the day.
About this same time our ward was reorganized a week before the scheduled Primary Program that I was to be in charge of (I was the chorister). With the reorganization we lost our complete Primary Presidency and I had already been out sick for almost 2 months dealing with my lupus, so I requested that we just not worry about the program. Well the new president did not like me, my ideas, or my way of doing things, and informed me that I was sadly mistaken if I thought I was in charge of the primary program. Needless to say, I spent the rest of that day in tears, and wouldn't you know it, my lupus started flaring AGAIN!----clearly I do NOT deal well with stress! I went in that Saturday to the Bishopric and requested an immediate release. This was a week before Thanksgiving. From the moment they announced from the pulpit that I had been released, I immediately felt a huge weight
lift off me. But, it was a miserable time in my life health wise from August 1 til the end of November. Pain like you wouldn't believe, and I was literally a zombie or a vampire or SOMETHING because I COULD NOT SLEEP. (Considering how much I love all the Twilight books I like to think I was a vampire!)
Finally for December and January my pregnancy seemed to clam down, but at the end of January something new popped up. My placenta was 'crapping out on me' and I was losing amniotic fluid. On two different occasions (Feb 1 and Feb 8) I was sent straight from my Dr. office to the hospital to check myself in and be prepared to stay until the baby came. Both times I was sent home after the hospital would run their tests and get drastically different amounts of fluid than my dr office was getting. I think I managed to will the fluid back because I had mapped out my Let's Play Music semester, and I was NOT having this baby before the 21st of February!:) I still want to KILL Dr. Val for sending me to the hospital and false alarming and stressing me out (TWICE). I am surprised that my lupus did not start flaring again thanks to her. But it all worked out how I had planned it. I finished teaching my last LPM class on Thursday at 5:30, and on Friday morning we were checking in for a scheduled c-section.

We did not have to check into the hospital until 8:00 a.m., so we dropped Delainee and Laetner off @ Shelby's house on Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. She watched Laetner for the day and went ahead and sent Delainee to school for the day. We checked in @ 8:00 and did all the pre-op things that needed to be done. At 10:00 a.m. we went into the delivery room and began the scariest part---the EPIDURAL. Dr. Martin Mills is who performed the c-section. It took them 30 minutes to cut thru all the layers of cartilage that had built up form the other two births, but @10:30 a.m. on Friday February 22nd they pulled Waverly out of my tummy! Courtney even managed to get video footage this time. Wavee came out screaming and POOPING! They officially got a weight of 6 lbs. 15 oz, but then she proceeded to poop, and poop, and then she pooped AGAIN! I wished they would have weighed her again to get a more accurate weight. I got to see her and give her a kiss, but then she and Courtney left the room with the nursed while they began to close me up. That seemed to take much longer as well, but officially everything went O.K. We made it to our 'corner penthouse suite' about 2:00 p.m. and Courtney immediately started sending out e-mails.
My recovery on this c-section was amazing compared to the other two. I physically was in better shape during this pregnancy, but I was up and moving around much to the surprise of everyone. I was working hard to try and nurse every three hours, and I felt like we were doing good. Waverly's weight had dropped more than they wanted (I think it was because of all the pooping) but she was down to 6 lbs and on Sunday night I had a nurse who was such jerk about wanting to give Wavee a bottle of formula. She made me feel like I was some horrible mommy for wanting to nurse, and when the new nurse came in @ 7:00 Monday morning, I was an emotional wreck. I was completely sobbing and begged that I could just go home! She was really nice and sat and talked with me and made me feel much better about everything. But I lucked out and they DID let me come home Monday---we checked out about noon. The only condition was that I needed to supplement with formula after nursing, and then go in for weight checks. Three days later she gained 2 oz. and the following week we were back @ 6 lbs. 10 oz. She is doing great.
Waverly is such a good baby. She even gives me a stretch of 4-6 hours of sleep in the night. Nursing was a little tough in the beginning, but we both seem to be getting the hang of it. At 3 weeks old we took her on her first trip to the Fischbeck's Cabin. She did amazing. I think she cried like once the WHOLE 4 days we were there. Otherwise she pretty much sleeps, sleeps, sleeps! With a few eats, eats, eats in there! :) Delainee and Laetner love their new baby sister. Laetner is especially possessive about it being HIS baby Waverly and no one else can have her. He always wants to see her eyes---which consists of his eye balls needing to touch her eyeballs! Delainee is almost 6 and is a very big helper---always bringing me things left and right and always willing to hold Wavee or pop a binkie in her mouth. Waverly Jo Fischbeck is a very pretty little baby. She has very big blue eyes, with golden blond hair. SO golden that I wounder if she will actually turn brown. She is 19 1/2 inches long (pretty long for her weight---which is why she looks so skinny. We definitely have decided that we will go ahead and keep her!

first moments
first daddy time
first snip
first family shot
first kiss


Crandell Fam said...

Holy cow. It's a wonder you've had 3 of those kiddos...you have it ROUGH with the pregnancies! I had no idea about all the pain you went through with the Lupus. That really sucks, and I'm sorry. I'm impressed with you and all you do. And Waverly was a perfect gift at the end of all that crap! P.S. Who was the stupid lady in primary? I wanted to punch her for you! Jerk. :)

Allyson & Jere said...

WOW! That is SOME story. I'm so sorry you had to suffer so much, that sucks. But, thankfully you got a perfect little treat at the end of it all.

Jenny said...

You kept teaching??? Wow! You are amazing!