"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences." ~Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, January 18, 2010

Makes a Mother Proud

Growing up our family owned two vhs tapes. Okay maybe more than two, but I distinctly remember watching The Empire Strikes Back, and Raiders of the Lost Ark over and over and OVER! I can remember playing 'name that scene' while doing the dishes, (where someone would say a line and you had to figure out who said it and where in the movie) and most lines were ALWAYS from one of these two movies. Our options grew exponentially when Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade came out, but I have four brothers----so it was no surprise that time was spent on Star Wars and the Indiana Jones movies. And since most of those brothers were older, I wasn't really the one making the decisions as to what was getting played in the VCR!

(interesting to note that we NEVER were trekkies)

But, I grew up on 'classic' guy movies, T.V. and cartoons---Silverado, Red Dawn, Air Wolf, A-Team, Thundercats, X-Men---just to name a FEW! And I have no problems admitting that I am a nerd and could probably beat most of you on the Star Wars Trivial Pursuit Edition---in fact I HAVE beaten my husband in said game. I have no problem admitting that I have ALWAYS had a huge crush on Harrison Ford. I have no problem admitting that I throughly enjoy playing the Lego Indiana Jones game on our Nintendo ds. And I have no problems admitting that I forced my husband to run to Wal-Mart last weekend in order to buy the Indiana Jones quadru-logy! Ü

But here is the funny thing. You would think that it would be Laetner that loves to watch all these movies with me, He is the Super Hero FREAK at our house!

But no, it is DELAINEE---in fact I had to almost threaten Laetner just to get him to stay in the room and watch with us!

No, Delainee is the one begging to watch Last Crusade with me again. And she is the one that spent her Martin Luther King day wholed up in Laetners room watching Return of the Jedi followed by Star Wars---she even turned me down for a run to Sonic during Happy Hour becuz she hadn't finished the movie yet. (that is HUGE)

Just tugs at my heart strings! Ü


Marissa said...

I too loved The Last Crusade growing up! Alecia and I would watch it all the time! But we always had to look away when that guy drinks from the wrong grail. Yamahama that part gave me the heebie geebies! But BOOO to Star Wars. Never a fan. Except I loved those cute little Teddybear looking creatures called the Ewok's.

Tara Fischbeck said...

Those are great movies! I can't say I'd be any fun to play trivia with or even that I remember the movies much but they are classics!