"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences." ~Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flattered or Shattered

Okay. Today was my second consecutive trip to Wal-Mart where I was hit on by an old man. And no I don't count the greeter who says 'Welcome to Wal-Mart' as actually flirting with me. Last time I was wandering up and down the aisles with my nerd notebook (coupon notebook) when out of nowhere I hear, "My wife would be so jealous of the way you have all your coupons organized!" I just smiled politely and kept on down the aisle with Waverly in the cart, but he kept on following me and talking about how you gotta do what you gotta do to save money these days. I was getting a little nervous that he was gonna try and steal THE NOTEBOOK---wouldn't be the first time someone has tried. Ü But somehow I managed my way out of the conversation (and off of his aisles) Maybe that incident wasn't too creepy, but today was. I am walking into aforementioned store with Waverly on my hip and Laetner holding my hand. As we are crossing the cross walk, there is an old man with a cane standing on the other side of it right in the middle. As we get closer he pipes up, "I have been watching you," (okay that alone is creepy enough). He continues, "I have been watching you, and I am impressed that with your baby on your hip you are not leaning over at all. You must have very strong arms."

Ummmm, how exactly was I supposed to respond to that. Again I gave a polite smile and nodded my head. But what was I even nodding to????? Was I giving encouragement to his eye-balling my rather impressive biceps?


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should try and look ugly next time you go to Wal-Mart...just as a science experiment. Let me know the results...my daughter has to do a science project in a few weeks. I am a little peeved. How come I don't get hit on by old men at Wal-Mart? I guess I need to work on my biceps!

BeckyinQC said...

Maybe you need to cut down on the workouts and marathons - give some of us other girls a chance! There are other desperate housewives you know??

By the way, Ms. Carolyn's phone number is 480-890-8713. She's on Brown and Mesa Dr. I think her first few sessions were full, but I'm not sure about the rest of the summer. Just tell her your my cousin and I'm sure you'll get right in! HA! Actually, now that I think about it, you might want to keep that part to yourself!

Allyson & Jere said...

Well Julie, what can we say, you're just THAT hot! Funny stories. I hate awkward moments in stores, whatever they may be. Congrats on your apron win, it's always fun to win something.

monkeysmoke said...

Dude i would advise you let the guy feel those guns and then offer to call 911 when he realizes you can kick his alzheimer butt through the door at walmart..
Goal111! On a side note courtney said the same guy approached him about his legs while he was headed to dress barn let us know how that turned out

Crandell Fam said...

Oh my gosh, that's funny. You are amazing, though. biceps and all. An old man's gotta get his fantasies somewhere, right?? :)